Our Data Bulletins seek to provide new insight into the different data that we collect and use – from data about the markets we regulate, consumer behaviour and our own operations.
Video: Trends in mortgage lending
Why are we publishing this?
The Data Bulletin is our main channel for the publication and analysis of data stories, released around once a quarter.
This issue of the Data Bulletin focuses on the latest trends in regulated mortgage lending over the last ten years.
The data looks at how mortgage activity reduced in the wake of the crisis and the extent to which it has changed since. This bulletin focuses on high level trends in regulated mortgage lending drawn from the regular data that we collect and publish via our two main mortgage datasets: Product Sales Data (PSD) and Mortgage Lenders and Administrators Return (MLAR).
As well as providing analysis of the long term trends, the bulletin focuses on lending to home purchasers and in particular first time buyers, as well as selected analysis of data by UK region.
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If you have suggestions for data you would like to see included, please email us at [email protected].