This page shows the individual firm data reported to us by financial services firms for 2023 H2 between 1 July to 31 December 2023. It includes analysis on the latest trends for each product.
The firm-specific complaints data is displayed at individual firm-level and is categorised into 5 product groups based on the type of business conducted by a firm. The data can be found in our 8 interactive, sortable tables and downloadable Excel tables sortable by:
- the number of complaints in context of the number of accounts, or policies provided or sold (Context A and B respectively)
- the number of complaints opened (or received) by the firms
- the number of complaints closed by the firms
- the percentage closed within 3 days
- the percentage of complaints closed after 3 days but within 8 weeks
- the percentage of complaints upheld (where the firms agreed with the complainant)
The data can be sorted in descending or ascending order using the arrows on the relevant product category. The downloadable Excel tables include the data held within the sortable tables as well as information of firm groupings and joint reporters.
The current data set was published on 19 October 2023 and covers complaints received up to 8 October 2023. The data accurately reflects the figures reported to us by firms via their complaints return and as self-published on their websites. Please note that we no longer publish links on our downloadable tables to firms’ websites containing self-published date, however, firms are still required to publish a summary of their data.
UK branches of European Economic Area firms are not required to publish their complaints data. We only include their data if they have told us that they have published this voluntarily or if they give us permission to publish their data.
Firm specific complaints data sortable tables: 2023 H2
Download firm specific complaints data 2023 H2 (XLSX)
We have changed the way firms are required to report their complaints data from the 2016 H2 reporting period to improve the complaints handling process. Some of these amendments include the requirement reporting context data. Further information on these changes and how they affect the data.
Can’t find a firm?
Most firms report their own complaints data to us but some firms in the same group report their complaints data jointly. Column 3 shows whether a firm has included any other firms in its complaints figures. Where a firm has included other firms in its figures, these are listed in the Main return Joint reporters and consumer credit Joint reporters tabs.
More information about what products fit into each product group is available in the notes tab in the downloadable spreadsheet. Firms that reported fewer than 500 complaints in the period are not included. Their data is included in the aggregate statistics but it is not broken down by firm.
Using the data
Financial Ombudsman Service
The Financial Ombudsman Service publishes complaints data on a quarterly, half-yearly and annual basis, that can be used alongside our data as an indicator of how firms handle complaints. For further information, please see About our data.
Positive indicators of complaints handling
Good complaints-handling practices may be indicated by:
- Firms receiving a low volume of complaints compared to the amount of business undertaken. In addition to our published data, some firms self-publish further information on their websites to help consumers understand the total number of complaints received in relation to the size of the firm, for example, the number of complaints per account or the number of complaints per policy.
- Firms closing a high proportion of complaints within 8 weeks. A final response should be written and sent to the consumer from firms within 8 weeks, at which point the complaint can be considered closed.
- Firms have a low percentage of complaints upheld by the Ombudsman service. The percentage of complaints upheld refers to where the firm has agreed (either wholly or partly) with the consumer, accepted the consumers complaint and told the firm to put matters right (such as by paying redress). For information on the percentage of complaints it upheld, see its complaints data.
Context data
Please see about our complaints data section for information about context data.
The data on this page is available under the terms of the Open Government Licence.