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Showing 33 to 42 of 105 search results for BOILER ROOM SCAMS.
Confirming your identity
The way banks verify your identity has changed. The new rules, known as Strong Customer Authentication (SCA), aim to protect your money from fraudsters. -
A to Z of financial terms - BOILER ROOM SCAMS
A to Z of financial services to help you understand financial and legal terms. -
FCA operating service metrics 2022/23
This report sets out how the FCA performed in 2022/23 against 54 operating service metrics, including how it dealt with regulatory applications, telephone enquiries and other correspondence. -
FCA taking assertive action to tackle harm in the consumer investments market
The FCA is taking assertive action to tackle harm in the consumer investments market, as the latest data shows it has stopped 1 in 4 firms from entering this market. -
The rise in scams and the threat to a legitimate financial services industry
Speech by Mark Steward, Executive Director of Enforcement and Market Oversight, at the City & Financial Global - FCA Investigations & Enforcement Summit. -
National campaign will target those most at risk of investment fraud, says FCA
Using funds recovered from the proceeds of crime, the FCA has launched a national campaign to warn people about investment fraud and how to spot a potential scam. -
Cheap Loans (Clone of FCA authorised firm and UK registered company)
Cheap Loans (Clone of FCA authorised firm and UK registered company) is not authorised or registered by the FCA but has been targeting people in the UK, claiming to be an authorised firm. Find out why you should be wary of dealing with this -
Consumer Investments Strategy – 1 year update
The FCA provides an update on its progress against the workstreams and outcomes it committed to in its Consumer Investments Strategy in September 2021. -
Consumer Investments Strategy - 2 Year Update
The FCA provides a 2 year update on its progress against the workstreams and outcomes it committed to in its Consumer Investments Strategy in September 2021. -
Equity Loans Limited / Equity Loans 4 you (clone of FCA authorised firm)
Equity Loans Limited / Equity Loans 4 you (clone of FCA authorised firm) is not authorised or registered by the FCA but has been targeting people in the UK, claiming to be an authorised firm. Find out why you should be wary of dealing with this -
Ignite Boilers Limited
We believe this firm may be providing financial services or products in the UK without our authorisation. Find out why you should be wary of dealing with this unauthorised firm and how to protect yourself. -
Chartered Trading Standards Institute (clone of genuine entity)
Chartered Trading Standards Institute (clone of genuine entity) is not authorised or registered by the FCA. Find out more about unauthorised firms and individuals.