Your membership

Find out how to check a society's contact details or registered status, understand your rights, or report a concern to us.

Your rights as a member

Check your rights as a mutual society member if you are suspended, removed, involved in a dispute or want a copy of the society's rules.

Contacting a society

The Mutuals Public Register is a public record of mutual societies in the UK. You can search it to find a society's contact details and registered office. You can also search for information such as the services a society offers, and its accounts and annual returns.

Check a society's registered status

You can also use the Mutuals Public Register to check a society's registered status.

Report a concern

If you think your society is breaching mutuals legislation, you can tell us.

We treat all information confidentially. We may, or may not, be able to act on your information. But we cannot tell you what, if anything, we intend to do with the information. Here’s more about how we treat information.