We are asking a number of consumer credit firms we regulate to provide data on their credit activities so we can monitor and assess the impact of the rising cost of living on consumers at this critical time.
On this page 
If your firm needs to provide this information, we will email you directly. We will use the data firms provide, alongside existing data, to support our ongoing work. These will be repeated requests for the time being and information will be requested either monthly or quarterly, this will be confirmed in the email you receive.
Completing the request
Whilst we are not seeking this information under our formal information gathering powers, we expect firms to complete it accurately and within the timeframes set out.
Firms are required under Principle 11 to deal with their regulators in an open and cooperative way. Where firms do not provide the information, we may contact them to understand the reasons for this.
If you have any questions, please check the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on this page or contact us by email if you have any further queries or concerns about completing the request.
We know firms will be concerned about phishing emails and scams. When you receive the request, please check it is from an '@fca.org.uk' email address.
Find out more about fake FCA emails, letters and phone calls.
The information provided
We will store the information securely and in line with our published data strategy. Our retention policy sets out how long we hold all information, including any personal data used for each of the areas mentioned in our privacy notice.
We may decide to publicise certain data from the request in aggregate as part of our Supervision work, but we will ensure that no individual firms can be identified from the aggregated data. Individual firm responses will be kept confidential according to our statutory obligations.
Frequently Asked Questions
You can find answers here to some common questions about the information request. We have grouped these into categories below.
The information request also contains specific guidance for questions as you go through it.
Any guidance provided is in respect of the provision of the data for this data request only. It is intended to assist firms to submit information based on how the firm currently records data. It does not replace or add to any rules or guidance issued by the FCA regarding the recording or reporting of data and is only relevant in respect of this data request.