UK AIFM marketing and passporting

Find out about UK AIFMs marketing and passporting.

Marketing alternative investment funds in the UK 

You must apply to us for permission if you are a full-scope UK AIFM and wish to market:

  • a UK AIF to retail and/or professional investors in the UK, or
  • an EEA AIF (that is not a feeder AIF, the master AIF of which is managed by a non-EEA AIFM or is a non-EEA AIF) to retail and/or professional investors in the UK

If you are applying to become a full-scope UK AIFM, you can apply for this permission via the ‘Approval to market in the UK’ section as part of the completion of the Schedule of AIFs instead of via the marketing notification form.

If you are applying for this permission after you have become a full-scope UK AIFM you must do so using the marketing notification form:

If you are a full-scope UK AIFM wishing to market a non-EEA AIF or a UK AIF or EEA AIF that is a feeder AIF, the master AIF of which is managed by a non-EEA AIFM or is a non-EEA AIF, to retail and/or professional investors in the UK, you need to notify us using the National Private Placement Regime (NPPR).

AIFMD outward passporting for full-scope UK AIFMs 

Your firm will need to complete the relevant marketing and/or management passport forms if you are a full-scope UK AIFM and wish to provide cross-border services in another EEA State under the AIFMD to manage an EEA AIF or market a UK AIF or EEA AIF (that is not a feeder AIF, the master AIF of which is managed by a non-EEA AIFM or is a non-EEA AIF) to professional clients in another Member State.

You can also use these forms if you are a UK firm and want to notify us about changes to the details of that cross-border service.

Sub-threshold AIFMs wishing to market AIFs in other EEA States 

If you are a small authorised UK AIFM or small registered UK AIFM (other than EuSEF or EuVECA managers), you do not have an EEA right to market AIFs you manage to investors in other EEA States. You will need to consult and comply with that state’s national laws.

: Editorial amendment page update as part of website refresh