DP18/9 response form

We are asking for comments on this interim report by 31 January 2019.

Please use this online form or alternatively email: [email protected]

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Once you complete this form, we will email you a copy of your submission to acknowledge receipt of your response.

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Q2: Where consumers who shop around get good deals but those inert ones not shopping around do not, what factors should determine whether this trade-off is fair? In particular, to what extent are the following factors relevant:

Q4: What should we expect firms to do to help reduce the cost to consumers of shopping around and, if necessary, switching to another provider, in particular with respect to:

Please provide reasons to support your answer.

Q5: What should longstanding consumers be able to expect of their provider when they become inactive in that particular market? In particular what should be expected of:

Q6: On the discussion on potential remedies in this paper: