We publish a wide range of data. Use the A-Z below to find out about the types of data available and how often we publish it.
Access to cash data
On a quarterly basis, with the Payment Systems Regulator (PSR), we gather and update data on access to cash. This captures the locations of cash access points and other relevant information like temporary closures, opening hours, and accessibility. This data covers brick-and-mortar, mobile bank, and building society branches, automated teller machines (ATMs), and the Post Office network. We supplement this information with annual data on cashback locations.
This analysis provides insights on the proportion of the population that lives within a range of distances of various cash access points.
Allowances and expenses
A summary of the allowances and expenses claimed by our Chairman and executive members of the Board, from April 2013 onwards, in relation to their roles as our representatives.
We publish this information quarterly.
Appointed Representatives regime data
This publication[4] includes data from our 2021 and 2022 data requests sent to principal firms and authorisation information collected from firms. It also outlines how we are improving the Appointed Representatives’ regime and what we expect from firms.
An attestation is a firm's formal statement that it will take, or has taken, an action we require. We use attestations as a supervisory tool to ensure that regulated firms - and senior individuals within them – are clearly accountable for taking the actions we require, often without our ongoing regulatory involvement. We provide an update on attestation statistics, including breakdowns by firm categories and sectors.
Banking providers fraud controls
Comparison of banking providers’ fraud controls. This information is intended to enable consumers and consumer groups to compare how banks protect their customers against fraud, and to help consumers to make better informed choices about their banking providers. The information was provided by UK Finance in March 2020.
Business interruption insurance test case – Insurer claims data
Find the latest data we have collected from all affected insurers on the progress of their non-damage business interruption (BI) insurance claims.
Cash savings
We update on progress in the cash savings market since we published our review in July 2023.
We committed to monitoring relevant firm and market statistics, linked to the outcomes we want to see on cash savings. This update sets out how the market has developed since then, as well as where firms need to continue to make progress towards the consumer outcomes we expect. We expect to see continued improvements from firms.
Changes to overdraft charges
From April 2020, our new rules made the costs of overdrafts clearer and easier to compare. 7 out of 10 overdraft users will be better off or see no change in cost.
The tables show the estimated changes in overdraft costs for a range of typical arranged and unarranged borrowing scenarios at some of the biggest banks and building societies.
All regulated firms that come under DISP (Dispute Resolution Sourcebook) report their complaints data to us on a half yearly basis. Smaller consumer credit firms report on an annual basis. We publish 2 different types of data: at firm level for individual firms and total figures for the industry as a whole.
We publish the complaints data every 6 months.
Consumer credit - high-cost short-term credit lending data
We highlight findings about the high-cost short-term credit (HCSTC) market, drawing on both the regulatory return data and our Financial Lives Survey 2017.
Consumer investment data
We have published these reviews regularly since 2020 to give greater transparency about how we protect consumers from investment harm.
As well as giving insights into our work, this data helps us monitor progress towards our Consumer Investments Strategy outcomes, particularly those on high-risk investments and scams and fraud.
Consumer Duty firm survey
We commissioned Ipsos UK to survey 1,230 firms in scope of the Consumer Duty. This helped us understand how prepared firms were for the implementation deadline for open products and services of 31 July 2023.
Current account providers data
Current account providers are required to publish comparable information about the services they offer consumers and small businesses and overdraft charges for each product they offer. This follows action by the FCA and the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA), and a voluntary commitment by banks and building societies.
The Information on services for each brand is published on the firms’ own websites and is available by API, along with the voluntary information on services for vulnerable customers.
Defined benefit pension transfers market data
This analysis focuses on the data collected from firms on the Defined Benefit (DB) pension advice market.
We gather data from the DB market to measure what risks of consumer harm still exist or have newly emerged, what improvements have been made and to measure the impact of our work.
We collected data from firms based on the framework for future RMAR-regulatory returns[17] covering DB and other transfers of safeguarded benefits. From April 2021, firms will report this data regularly to the FCA.
Defined benefit pension transfers market data - October 2018 to March 2020[18]
Defined benefit pension transfers – market-wide data results April 2015 to September 2018[19]
Diversity Annual Report
We’re continuing to create a diverse and inclusive place to work where people can come into the office each day knowing they can be themselves. This is an important part of life at the FCA as we know our differences make us stronger and a more effective regulator. This report highlights the progress we are making and where we are going next.
Enforcement annual data
The enforcement data is our annual assessment of whether we are operating fairly and effectively in investigating suspected misconduct. Also in bringing criminal, civil and administrative proceedings where it is appropriate to do so to address and mitigate consumer harm effectively.
FCA environmental sustainability targets and metrics
Our targets and metrics show the steps we’re taking to become a more sustainable organisation and keep us accountable for our progress.
Event costs
Overall approximate costs for public events that we organise and publicise, from April 2013 onwards.
A summary of the allowances and expenses claimed by our Chairman and executive members of the Board, from April 2013 onwards, in relation to their roles as our representatives.
We publish this information quarterly.
FCA operating service metrics
We provide information about the timeliness of our operating service metrics (formerly known as service standards) in a range of areas. For transparency we report on both internal and statutory metrics, as set by The Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (FSMA).
FCA outcomes and metrics
We are committed to being clear about how we are accountable for our progress. We set out what outcomes matter to us and the metrics we will use to measure them.
FCA performance scorecard - comparison metrics for personal current accounts
The UK Regulators Network (UKRN) have worked with the FCA, the Office of Gas and Electricity Markets (Ofgem), the Office of Communications (Ofcom), the Water Services Regulation Authority (Ofwat), and the Consumer Council for Water to produce scorecards on the performance of regulated sectors.
The performance scorecard highlights some of the information available on personal current accounts (PCAs), and can help customers choose their provider.
FCA Practitioner Panel survey
The FCA and Practitioner Panel joint survey is sent annually to a sample of the firms that we regulate. It gives firms an opportunity to provide their views on how we regulate the industry and feeds into our planning and strategy process.
Financial crime data
Ensuring the firms we regulate are effective in preventing financial crime through sound controls is a key priority for the FCA. This is important as the size and global nature of the UK financial industry mean that both money laundering, and the criminality that creates the need to launder money, present significant risks to the UK.
This analysis aims to provide Money Laundering Reporting Officers and industry practitioners insights on trends and developments, which should help inform the arrangements and risks of their respective firms.
Financial Crime: analysis of firms’ 2017-2020 REP-CRIM data[29]
Financial Lives survey
Financial Lives is our flagship, nationally representative survey of UK consumers. It provides information about consumers’ attitudes towards managing their money, the financial products they have and their experiences of engaging with financial services firms. It is unique in the combination of its design, breadth, and size. As a tracking survey, it provides evidence of how things are changing from the point of view of the consumer.
We conduct the survey every 2 years and publish reports on different parts of the data.
View the latest Financial Lives data[30]
Financial Lives 2020 survey: the impact of coronavirus[32] (PDF)
Understanding the Financial Lives of UK adults[33] (PDF)
The Financial Lives of consumers across the UK[34] (PDF)
Raw data is available from the Consumer Data Research Centre (CDRC)[35]
Financial promotions data
We analyse data from our action against authorised firms breaching financial promotion rules and referrals and investigations into unregulated activity.
The data we gather means we can monitor developments in the market, get insights into sectors we have concerns about and act to prevent consumers from harm.
Financial resilience Survey
This data shows the results from our financial resilience surveys that were sent to 23,000 regulated firms. Through the surveys we are understanding the real-time effect the pandemic is having on the finances of the firms we prudentially regulate. This will help us identify emerging risks of harm to consumers, the market and competition within it, and enable us to better mitigate those risks.
We publish tables with information about fines from our enforcement action published during each calendar year.
Freedom of Information responses
Under the Freedom of Information Act we answer requests from the general public and other stakeholders regarding the data we hold. We published some information on the areas that we frequently receive requests about and that we believe are of wider public interest.
FCA Authorisations operating service metrics
We report on our authorisations metrics quarterly, to provide greater transparency of our performance. Find the latest and previously published data.
General Insurance (GI) value measures data
We committed to publish the GI value measures data in Policy Statement PS20/9[41].
The data will provide firms, market commentators and organisations such as consumer groups, with common indicators of value across a range of GI products. By publishing this information, we aim to create incentives for firms to compete on broader elements of product value than price alone, and to improve the value of the products and services they offer consumers.
Hospitality and gifts log
A log of hospitality and gifts received by the FCA’s Chairman and Executive Members of the FCA Board, estimated at a value of £30 or more, from October 2015 onwards.
Innovation Hub: market insights
Since its launch in 2014, the Innovation Hub has supported a diverse range of firms, from existing firms to FinTech start-ups, either allowing testing of innovative products or services in a live market or helping to resolve regulatory questions. We have supported many firms to deliver positive benefits to consumers.
This has allowed us to better understand how new technology is being used, inform our policy and understand the barriers to access faced by new business models. Through the support we have provided, we have collected data and valuable insights into the rapidly developing FinTech UK market.
Investment management data
In our 2020/21 Business Plan, we made a commitment to provide a range of metrics to assess the impact of actions put in place since our Asset Management Market Study[45] in 2016.
Key performance indicators (KPIs)
To enable transparency and as part of our journey to become operationally excellent, our KPIs provide key metrics on the performance of the FCA’s Authorisations Division.
List of societies cancelled
Societies must submit a completed annual return and accounts to us for each year that the society is on the Mutuals Public Register. We publish a list of societies that have had their registration cancelled for failing to submit an annual return and accounts.
We publish this list annually.
Market cleanliness statistics
Each year we publish a Market Cleanliness Statistic for takeover announcements in the UK equity markets. This is defined as the proportion of corporate takeover events for which we observed a significant abnormal movement in share price before the takeover announcement.
UK MiFID transparency calculations
All the results of the MiFID transparency calculations for the UK are available in the FCA Financial Instruments Transparency System (FCA FITRS) accessible via the dedicated FCA Registers portal[50].
We publish the latest:
- quarterly liquidity assessment for bonds
- annual transparency calculations for non-equity instruments
- annual transparency calculations for equity and equity-like instruments
Mortgage Charter uptake data
The latest data from firms who have signed up to the Government’s Mortgage Charter.
Mortgage lending statistics
All regulated mortgage lenders and administrators are required to submit a Mortgage Lending and Administration Return (MLAR) each quarter to the FCA and the Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA), providing data on their mortgage lending and mortgage administration activities.
We jointly publish these statistics with the PRA quarterly.
Understanding mortgage prisoners
Our Mortgage Market Study[55] estimated that around 140,000 borrowers were unable to switch to a better deal even though they were up-to-date with their payments. To help fix this we changed our rules[56] to allow lenders to assess affordability based on a borrower’s track record of making mortgage payments.
We also collected data to understand more about borrowers who have a mortgage held by an unregulated firm and we looked at the data we collect from regulated firms.
Pay gap data
Diversity and inclusion are critical to the FCA, as an employer, a regulator, and a public body. We are committed to tackling inequality and under-representation. We want to build an inclusive environment for all our colleagues that is reflective of the communities we serve.
We publish data annually to see improvements to our pay gaps, and identify and address any underlying issues.
Payment Protection Insurance (PPI) refunds and compensation
We provide monthly figures on refunds and compensation paid to customers who have complained about PPI.
Position limits for commodity derivative contracts
MiFID II requires that we set limits on the maximum size of positions which a person can hold in commodity derivatives. The limits apply to contracts traded on trading venues and their economically equivalent OTC (EEOTC) contract. We list some of the commodity derivative contracts that we have currently identified as trading on a UK trading venue and its applicable position limit.
Prescribed Persons Annual Report
We report on the whistleblowing disclosures made to us under the Prescribed Persons Regulations 2017.
We must report the following information:
- the number of disclosures we received
- the number of those disclosures where we decided to take further action
- a summary of the action we took in relation to the disclosures
- a summary of how workers' disclosures have impacted our ability to perform our functions and meet our objectives
- an explanation of our functions and objectives
This duty to report aims to increase transparency in the way that whistleblowing disclosures are dealt with and to reassure whistleblowers that their disclosures are taken seriously.
Product sales data
Product providers are required to provide us with transaction level data on all sales of regulated mortgage contracts, retail investment products and certain pure protection products to retail and private customers. This covers direct sales by firms' own sales forces and sales made via intermediaries.
Product sales data is published annually.
The retail intermediary market data
The RMAR is a return that is submitted to us by firms who provide financial advice, mortgage and general insurance advice. Firms are required to report at minimum twice yearly based on their Accounting Reference Date (ARD).
We provide an analysis of the intermediary sector, based on the RMAR data, annually.
Retirement Income Market
We have been collecting data on the retirement income market since the pension freedoms in April 2015. This data is published annually and looks at the latest trends in the retirement income market since the introduction of pension freedoms. Our analysis focuses on the different ways both new and existing customers access their pension pots and how they use regulated advisers.
View the latest retirement income market data[64]
Regulatory Initiatives Grid
This Grid from the Financial Services Regulatory Initiatives Forum sets out the regulatory pipeline. This is so the financial services industry and other stakeholders can understand – and plan for – the timing of the initiatives that may have a significant operational impact on them.
Secondary international competitiveness and growth objective (SICGO) metrics
Following the Treasury’s call for proposals on measuring the success of our secondary objective, we agreed to publish a set of metrics. We have supplemented these with further metrics from our existing framework, where they can contribute to a more complete picture of our impact on growth and competitiveness.
Short Positions
The Short Selling Regulation (SSR) introduced a private and public notification regime for investors who hold net short positions in certain financial instruments. The SSR means companies may have to notify us of positions that are private or are to be disclosed publicly.
We publish the data daily.
See the public short positions disclosed to us - daily[67] (XLSX)
Skilled person reviews
We have the power to obtain a view from a third party (a ‘skilled person’) about aspects of a regulated firm's activities if we are concerned or want further analysis.
Once a quarter we publish information on how often we commission skilled person reviews.
Small Registered UK Alternative Investment Funds Managers (AIFMs)
Under Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive (AIFMD), fund managers must be authorised (full scope AIFM) or registered if they manage AIFs with assets under management below certain thresholds. We publish a register of Small Registered UK AIFMs.
Suspicious Transactions & Order Reports
Firms and individuals professionally arranging or executing transactions in certain financial instruments, and operators of a trading venue, must report suspicious transactions and orders (STORs) to us without delay.
We publish the number of suspicious transaction and order reports we receive annually.
Trade transparency and market liquidity data
In our Business Plan 2019/20[71], we noted that we track the proportions of trades carried out on venues with varying levels of trade disclosure. We summarise our findings on our interventions on trade transparency and on market liquidity data annually.
Whistleblowing data
We assess every whistleblowing case we receive that falls within our remit, to inform our work and help us identify actual or potential harm. This could be harm to consumers, to markets, to the UK economy or to wider society.
Our data shows the number of new whistleblowing reports we received and how the information was received.
Whistleblowing qualitative assessment survey 2022
We set out the findings of a qualitative assessment survey of a small sample of whistleblowers who disclosed their concerns about wrongdoing to us. The survey was conducted in early 2022 to understand whistleblowers’ experience of reporting to the FCA and to capture a range of views about their experience.