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Showing 1 to 10 of 1278 search results.
Consumer Panel response to FCA Call for Input: Review of FCA requirements following the introduction of the Consumer Duty [pdf]
SBPP Response CP CC regulatory returns [docx]
Joint FCA and Practitioner Panel Survey 2023-24 [pdf]
Consultation Response: CP24/13 consultation on the new public offer platform regime [pdf]
Joint LAAP and MPP response CP24/12 POATR Website [pdf]
Joint-LAAP-and-MPP-response-CP24/12-POATR-Website [pdf]
FSCP response to GC 24/5: enabling a risk-based approach to payment processing [pdf]
SBPP-Response-to-PPMS-ToR.docx [pdf]
Practitioner Panel response to CP24-16 VFM Framework signed [pdf]
FSCP response to the Pensions Investment Review Call for Evidence [pdf]