Financial Services Consumer Panel
The Financial Services Consumer Panel is an independent Panel of experts, which represents the interests of consumers of financial services including small businesses.
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Cost Benefit Analysis Panel
The Cost Benefit Analysis Panel is a new independent panel providing advice to the FCA in relation to cost-benefit analysis (CBA) with the duty to consult effective from 1 August 2024 and the panel fully operational.
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Listing Authority Advisory Panel
The Listing Authority Advisory Panel advises the FCA on policy issues that affect issuers of securities, and on policy and regulation proposals from the FCA listings function.
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Practitioner Panel
The Practitioner Panel provides the FCA with external and independent input from the point of view of the industry.
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Markets Practitioner Panel
The Markets Practitioner Panel provides the FCA with external and independent input from the point of view of financial market participants.
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Smaller Business Practitioner Panel
The Smaller Business Practitioner Panel represents smaller regulated firms that may not have a strong voice in policymaking.
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