Find out what permissions you'll need to apply to us for authorisation, and what we expect to see in your application.
On this page 
Before reading this page, please read our page for all credit broker applicants[1] to understand:
- our expectations of consumer credit firms
- everything else we expect you to read before you submit your application
- the difference between Limited Permission firms and Full Permission firms
Permissions you'll need
If you've tried to determine whether you're a Limited or Full Permission firm[2] and you're still not sure, use the information below to determine which permissions you'll need based on the the regulated activities you intend to carry out.
What we're looking for in your application
You'll need to submit a range of supporting material[3] as part of your application. Please check which forms to complete and the other documentation required before you start your application.
Below are some of the specific things we expect to see if you're a motor dealer – providing this information will help you to demonstrate that you can meet our expectations.