Our Business Plan 2017/18

The annual Business Plan gives details of the specific areas of work the FCA is prioritising for the next year.

Show our Business Plan 2017/18 (PDF)

The priorities in this Business Plan reflect the speed and variety of changes affecting both wider society and financial services. Firms are being challenged by rapidly evolving user needs, as well as heightened uncertainty in the economic and political outlook. Our Business Plan shows how we will use our resources to tackle these challenges.

It explains our six priorities which cut across different financial sectors, as well as our priorities for the seven specific sectors we regulate. It also includes our Risk Outlook, which analyses the wider context in which we work and the risks we see in the market.

What is in our Business Plan?


  1. Our role
    Our objectives and approach to regulation
  2. Risk outlook
    Our view of the wider risks affecting the environment we operate within
  3. How we decide our priorities
    Using our assessment of harm and public value to decide our priorities
  4. Our cross-sector priorities
    Our priorities to tackle issues that cut across sectors
  5. Our sector priorities
    Our specific priorities for the seven sectors we regulate
  6. Our ongoing activities
    Our core functions and continuing activities
  7. How we operate
    Our budget 2017/18